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Welcome to the
Canadian Black Farmers Association

Unleashing the potential of Black, African and Caribbean Canadians in agriculture.


Unleashing the Potential of Black, African and Caribbean Canadians in Agriculture

The Canadian Black Farmers Association is a non-profit organization on a mission to break down barriers and empower Black Canadians to thrive in the agricultural sector. We envision a vibrant, inclusive, and equitable industry where Black, African and Caribbean Canadians can grow, succeed, and flourish.

Through the Canadian Black Farmers Association Project, we’re dismantling the systemic and historical barriers that have silenced Black voices and excluded them from commercial agriculture. By championing land ownership, fair labor practices, and culturally appropriate food security and sovereignty, we’re cultivating a future with boundless economic opportunities, generational wealth transfer, and a stronger agricultural industry for all Canadians.

Our approach is built on the pillars of education, mentorship, community engagement, and advocacy, planting the seeds of equity and inclusion. Together, we can harvest a brighter future for Black Canadians, where their contributions are valued, their voices are amplified, and their legacy is cemented in the rich soil of Canada’s agricultural industry. We are your go-to guides on your farming journey here in Canada!

“About 40 per cent of Canadian farmers are expected to retire within the next 10 years, while 66 per cent of farmers don’t have a succession plan, according to a recent report from RBC.”

Why Us?

Are you an established farmer from Africa wanting to enter into Canada’s agriculture industry? Are you a newcomer from the African continent wanting to enter into Canada’s agriculture industry? Are you African-Canadian wanting to enter in Canada’s agriculture industry?

We can help you on your journey into agriculture in Canada.

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Do you know, Canada does not have any culturally appropriate food security or food sovereignty plan for the Black and African communities. The Canadian Black Farmers Association has created a plan for Black food sovereignty and food security in Canada. The Canadian Black Farmers Pilot Project.

The Canadian Black Farmers Association is your first point of contact for entering into the agriculture industry in Canada, mentoring you along the way. Our founder has over 20 years of experience in the industry in various sectors, including livestock, crops, indoor and outdoor growing, as well as culturally specific foods for the African/Black community. Our organization has relationships with the local government and Federal Minister of Agriculture.

Member Benefits.

There are lots of advantages of becoming a member of Canadian Black farmers Association. As a member, we will:

  • Connect you with experienced realtors to help you find farm land to purchase or land leasing options.
  • Connect you with resources for business planning.
  • Guide you through the steps of securing the infrastructure, processes and staff you need on your farm.
  • Guide you through the process to get your Farm Status and the benefits associated with it.
  • Guide you through the process of accessing government funding, loans and benefits specifically for farmers in Canada.
  • Connect you with other farmers, and agriculture industry associations.
  • Connect you with agricultural educational programs to further your education.
  • Assist with connecting to the market to sell your agricultural products.
  • You’ll be part of a network of Black farmers across Canada sharing resources.
  • You will be part of creating Black Food Sovereignty in Canada for generations to come!


We have decades of experience in the agricultural industry in Canada. Let us tour you around the Fraser Valley region to visit the diversity of farms, food processing facilities, educational institutions and the vast natural beauty of our Province.

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The Canada-Africa Farmers Exchange Conference (CANAFRI-Farmers Conference) aims to facilitate intercontinental knowledge and investment exchange between Canadian and African farmers.

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Student Tours

Through our established relationships, we will set up a tour for you at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, University of the Fraser Valley and The University of British Columbia agricultural programs.

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Ready to Join.

To become a member of the Canadian Black Farmers Association, please click the button and fill out the form provided. Please feel free to email us to arrange a meeting with our team to discuss your farming journey in Canada. We will send out updates now and again but please do keep in touch with us. 

Join Now

Do you have an existing farm business in Africa and want to explore farming in Canada?

Are you interested in exploring culturally appropriate food security and food sovereignty opportunities as a startup in Canada?

This is a start-up project of Canadian Black Farmers Association (CBFA) for culturally appropriate food security and food sovereignty for Canadian Blacks and especially African communities, to grow what we eat and eat what we grow and what we are accustomed to.

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